5 Tips to Effective Employee Communication

employee communication5 Tips for Effective Employee Communication

Do you feel that your employee communication could be better in your office? You are not alone. Even with all the technology that surrounds us, effective communication can often feel like the hardest thing in the world – especially in the workplace. As an employer, effective employee communication can mean the difference between engaged, productive employees and a workplace full of tension and distraction.

Here are five simple techniques to streamline employee communication and make each interaction a successful one:

  1. Skip the Email, Say it In Person

Email, instant messaging or texting should be used for clear, directive communications and questions. If it takes more than a few sentences to explain, pick up the phone or better yet, make a face-to-face connection. A personal interaction is more engaging and more effective. Bonus: It gets you up and moving around!

  1. Make Meetings Meaningful

A day full of meetings can often feel overwhelming and takes time away from getting your projects done. Evaluate the necessity of every meeting your organization holds. Who really needs to attend and for how long? What is the purpose of the meeting? What is the outcome needed for this meeting to be successful? Be sure to stick to an agenda and if possible a time limit. Your employees will breathe easier knowing what is expected upfront and how much time they’ll need to delegate to the meeting at hand.

  1. Say it with Style and Simplicity

Email is the easiest go-to communication method. It can also be something that causes unnecessary drama and strife because the reader may infer a certain tone that was not originally intended by the sender. When you must use email or text be sure to keep it gracious and simple. You never want your words to be misinterpreted. If you’re angry or upset, that often comes through and creates unnecessary stress. Handle difficult interactions or lengthy conversations in person whenever possible.

  1. Check-in Don’t Check Out

We’re all so busy and so plugged in all the time that we often forget to check-in with one another. Your employees are your most important asset and engaging them is one of your most important jobs. Create opportunities to get to know them – whether it is a quick morning briefing, an office lunch, or even a weekly walking meeting. You’ll find these shared moments go a long way to keeping employee communication open and easy, even when things get stressful or busy.

  1. Figure it Out Before It Festers

If there seems to be tension in your workplace, miscommunication is often the culprit. Take the time to work out issues immediately before they become even bigger problems. Give your employees room to voice their frustrations and include them in any communication changes you make.

Overall, be sure that you, as a manager or leader, are an accessible and approachable communicator. Effective employee communication is a skill set and it sometimes takes practice to find the style that works best for you. Lead by example and your employees will follow.

When you’re ready. Here are some next steps:

  1. Grab a copy of Fatal Flaws of Employee Wellness Programs. Create a wellness strategy that will actually get results. Available on Amazon here. 
  2. Let’s skip theory and talk about your company. Set up your call here at www.speakwithalison.com

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