Corporate Wellness Trends for 2017 (Part 2 of 2)

corporate wellness trendWellness at Work – Top Seven Corporate Wellness Trends for 2017 (Part 2 of 2)

The Top Trends Impacting Both Employers and Employees

In my previous post, I covered 3 corporate wellness trends for 2017. Now, I will review the final 4 recommendations.

Remember, the goal is to help you invest in your team, maximize productivity and boost your profits. I know it’s counter intuitive; however, this can absolutely be done with a top to bottom corporate wellness strategy.

Work-Life Balance Myth in the Digital Age

Balance is an overused word and Brehme believes that work-life balance is more of a myth, although it is something we all try to attain.

Technology continues to make employees “reachable” at any hour of the day and unplugging may feel almost impossible.

Recognizing this and implementing ways to combat it will be an integral part of wellness programs for the workplace.

It’s important to look at the unspoken expectations that might be placed within the organization.

Question to consider:

Are the only employees that are getting promoted ones that work at all hours of the day, night and on the weekends?

If that’s the case employees may think that is what is expected to get that promotion so properly addressing this and having those in leadership positions create a healthy example is important.

Community Involvement and Employee Volunteering

Enhance team dynamics, increase engagement, and improve mental health with “Give Back” days that allow employees to volunteer and support local communities.

Many companies already give 1-2 optional volunteer days, but few employees take advantage.

Yet studies have shown just how impactful volunteering can be.

In fact, a recent United Healthcare study found nearly 80% of people who volunteer say that it has made them feel healthier and lowered their stress levels.

In addition, nearly 95% found their mood improved and their sense of purpose enriched.

This is a trend that can benefit both the organization (great PR) and the employees!

This trend should continue to gain traction as companies start to realize the benefits and it can be a key way to differentiate your business among top talent.

Moving from Traditional Management to Coaching

Many individuals who get promoted to managers never go through training and end up alienating those that report to them.

A Gallup poll study revealed that half of employees quit because of bad bosses. Clearly a greater emphasis on training and development is essential.

It may seem odd that training and development is part of corporate wellness; however, having a holistic and comprehensive strategy is crucial.

I highly recommend all managers (no matter their experience level) read the book, The One Minute Manager by Kenneth Blanchard Ph.D. and Spencer Johnson M.D.

It’s a great read, showing how to move from a delegation or traditional management style to more of a coach or mentor.

If we want to engage employees and keep top talent, we need to evaluate how we are training future leaders.

Taking Customization to the Next Level by Using Technology

Customizing a strategy for each company is no longer a key differentiator across wellness companies; however, there is a way to take customization to the next level.

New technology can help businesses reach their goals while at the same time engaging employees. This can make life easier and minimize a great deal of the guesswork. What tools should you use?

Great question.

I think it honestly depends on your goals and what your overall approach and strategy is for your company.

I personally make custom recommendations for each company because what might make sense for one company won’t work for another.

That’s a wrap! What was your favorite corporate wellness trends for 2017? I believe these trends are timely and relevant no matter the year.

When you’re ready. Here are some next steps:

  1. Grab a copy of Fatal Flaws of Employee Wellness Programs. Create a wellness strategy that will actually get results. Available on Amazon here. 
  2. Let’s skip theory and talk about your company. Set up your call here at

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